GREEN - A blog to constructively write about any thoughts or interesting ideas I have. A little strip of Internet farmland to work on that one day may grow into a sprawling Cyber Jungle
AMBER - A selection of words that make little to no sense. A little strip of wilting Internet that probably needs a good clean
RED - A waste of time. A little strip of something, something you should probably just avoid

Friday, 5 February 2010


Based on nothing I think I'm more productive the earlier I wake up. If I wake up too early, like most people, I become tired and tiredness = badness. I've been trying to fix my sleeping pattern so I will wake up earlier than usual but there are problems. My brain stands defiantly in the way.

'But no, you can't sleep now! What about this idea? And this idea? And this? How about fixing that?' Now I'm not schizophrenic (I think?) but it's been three nights in a row now and whenever I resolve to be good and sleep early I end up sleeping later than I ever have, then I get up late and don't have enough time to do anything except write in here, which some may call useless in itself. Aside from sleeping drugs or near-fatal injuries I'm not sure what I should do.

Ah well, it's given me time to read a fantastic book that I should have read when a certain special someone bought it for me. I am the worst person to buy books for because, although I profess to enjoy reading, I never do. It takes me years to read anything and no that's not an exaggeration. It took me 2 years to read one of the Harry Potter books

But Danny Wallace's 'Yes Man' is truly a great book. His attitude is childlike and innocent as he finds himself tossed from one chance to another purely on the word 'yes'. I love these writers/comedians, Dave Gorman being another prime example and a close friend of Danny Wallace. Maybe it's just a winning formula to win crowds round by playing a hero within their own act or story, but even if it is, it's a damn entertaining one.

An afterthought - Is waiting not the same thing as stopping?! I'm sure they're different. They must be. Why else would there be two words?

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