GREEN - A blog to constructively write about any thoughts or interesting ideas I have. A little strip of Internet farmland to work on that one day may grow into a sprawling Cyber Jungle
AMBER - A selection of words that make little to no sense. A little strip of wilting Internet that probably needs a good clean
RED - A waste of time. A little strip of something, something you should probably just avoid

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Questionable Content

So you're probably thinking 'why name your blog kind of like traffic lights: it doesn't really work' and well, to be honest, it's because all the good names were taken in 2002. But let's pretend it's a deep metaphor: you think you're doing something great (i.e finally making a blog so you have some small strip of land on Planet Interweb), you momentarily stop and wonder just what the hell you're writing and then... you stop.

But instead of stopping your Internet superhighway car just ends up publishing whatever stupidity you've written down and the ensuing carcrash becomes a blog. Admittedly a very painful, sort of panicky flaming blog, but a blog all the same. And that's how we're starting this one folks, with the carcrash metaphor.

Stay tuned for general nonsense as I write down whatever creeps into my head. Let's hope it's not a bug.

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