I read that employees of Google in China are now being tracked down because if Google did violate China's laws they are in fact criminals. Regardless of how inane that is, it must be a terrible time for both the employees and Google.
If China is one of the fastest developing countries and a future 'world power' I struggle to see just how exactly things are going to work. You have on one side a selection of countries that claim to prize freedom above all else, then, on the other, you have a country that actively crushes freedom in an effort to preserve... well, what? National integrity? That by rooting out people that the state disapproves of the country will improve as a result? I suppose it would work as well as economies do; nullifying the element of the person and promoting profits, stats over personal wellbeing or freedom.
I hear sides saying 'Google is betraying its principles by potentially leaving China', really it's upping the stakes when the Chinese government is putting their clients at serious physical risk. Google is just a business despite what some think, it can't realistically topple the Chinese government. If they stay there people might die. That is a tremendous responsibility for a company to take.
It's just an alien world to me. Oppression displayed so publically to the rest of the world and yet fiercely guarded from those it affects most. It's sad but what can anyone do to fix it? Form the JUSTICE LEAGUE and end the communist oppression? That's just as oppressive. We don't have nearly enough spandex in the cupboards.